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The "Usual" Yard List
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Yard List
1/1 Cooper’s Hawk
1/1 Red-tailed Hawk
1/1 Gambel’s Quail
1/1 Mourning Dove
1/1 Acorn Woodpecker
1/1 N. Flicker (red-shafted)
1/1 Steller’s Jay
1/1 Mexican Jay
1/1 Common Raven
1/1 Bridled Titmouse
1/1 White-breasted Nuthatch
1/1 Dark-eyed Junco
1/1     Gray-headed (11/12)
1/1     Pink-sided (11/4)
1/1     Oregon (11/19)
1/1     Slate-colored (3/18)
1/1 House Finch
1/1 Pine Siskin
1/1 Lesser Goldfinch
1/1 Western Bluebird
1/1 Arizona Woodpecker
1/1 Ruby-crowned Kinglet
1/1 Yellow-rumped Warbler
1/1     Audubon’s
1/1 Red-naped Sapsucker (9/23)
1/1 Yellow-eyed Junco (12/29)
1/1 Spotted Towhee
1/1 Juniper Titmouse
1/1 Lincoln’s Sparrow
1/1 Townsend’s Warbler (thru 3/27)
1/5 Great Horned Owl
1/7 Western Scrub Jay
1/14 Williamson’s Sapsucker
1/20 American Robin
1/23 Canyon Wren

2/9 Black-throated Gray Warbler
2/18 Montezuma Quail
2/22 Northern Cardinal
2/23 Canyon Towhee
2/27 White-crowned Sparrow

3/2 Hutton’s Vireo
3/4 White-winged Dove
3/7 Rufous Hummingbird (7/8)
3/8 Broad-tailed Hummingbird
3/12 Turkey Vulture
3/13 Bushtit
3/14 Scott’s Oriole
3/15 Ladder-backed Woodpecker
3/15 Bewick’s Wren
3/16 Magnificent Hummingbird
3/27 House Sparrow
3/28 Violet-green Swallow
3/30 Lazuli Bunting

4/6 Hooded Oriole
4/7 Chipping Sparrow
4/14 House Wren
4/15 Elf Owl
4/16 Cassin’s Kingbird
4/16 Black-headed Grosbeak
4/17 Bullock’s Oriole
4/17 Indigo Bunting
4/19 Dusky-capped Flycatcher
4/20 Western Tanager
4/20 Great-tailed Grackle
4/21 Wilson’s Warbler
4/21 *Red-winged Blackbird*(f)
4/23 Zone-tailed Hawk
4/28 Red-faced Warbler
4/28 Mexican Chickadee
4/29 Brown-headed Cowbird
4/30 Summer Tanager
4/30 MacGillivray’s Warbler

5/1 Hepatic Tanager
5/2 Lark Sparrow
5/2  Hermit Thrush
5/4 Green-tailed Towhee
5/6 Yellow-breasted Chat
5/6 *Black and White Warbler*
5/8 Blue-throated Hummingbird
5/9 Costa’s Hummingbird
5/11 Rose-breasted Grosbeak
5/13 Bronzed Cowbird
5/18 Blue Grosbeak
5/18 *Varied Bunting*(thru 5/28)
5/19 American Goldfinch
5/2 Hammond’s Flycatcher

6/5 Lesser Nighthawk
6/18 Brown-crested Flycatcher
6/26 N. Mockingbird

7/8 Violet-crowned Hbird
7/18 Anna’s Hummingbird
7/20 Rufous-crowned Sparrow
7/18(f) Painted Bunting (9/29 m)
7/22 Broad-billed Hummingbird
7/23 Virginia’s Warbler
7/24 Dusky Flycatcher

8/15 Western Screech-owl
9/18 Brewer’s Blackbird

Oct Cassin’s Finch

Species Seen in Other Years
11/23/10 Inca Dove (12/11)
11/17/10 Eurasian Collared Dove
9/18/10 Olive-sided Flycatcher
6/22/10 *Gray Catbird*
6/7/10 Great Blue Heron
4/19/10 Elegant Trogon
4/9/10 Ash-throated Flycatcher
4/7/10 Belted Kingfisher
4/2/10 Greater Pewee
3/22/10 White-throated Swift
3/15/10  Hairy Woodpecker
2/22/10  *Purple Finch*
1/15/10  Fox Sparrow
1/1/10  Townsend’s Solitaire
1/1/10  Greater Roadrunner
11/2/09   N. Harrier (cemetery)
9/28/09 * Vaux’s Swift*
9/11/09  Nashville Warbler*
8/19/09  Black-throated Sparrow   (fledgling)
6/28/09  Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher
6/4/09  N. Pygmy Owl
5/18/09  Whiskered Screech-owl
5/17/09  Western Wood-pewee
5/15/09  Streak-backed Oriole (hypo)
5/9/09  Black-chinned Sparrow
5/5/09  Buff-breasted Flycatcher
5/4/09  Green Heron (described)
4/28/09  Gray Flycatcher
4/10/09  Orange-crowned Warbler
3/10/09  Curve-billed Thrasher
3/4/09  Say’s Phoebe
2/5/09  Pyrrhuloxia
10/16/08 Sandhill Crane
9/20/08  Cassin’s Vireo
8/19/08  *Rock Pigeon*
8/9/08  White-eared Hummingbird
6/2/08  Lucifer Hummingbird
5/14/08  Yellow-throated Warbler
5/13/08  Orchard Oriole
5/12/08  *Prothonotary Warbler*
4/28/08  Plumbeous Vireo
4/15/08  Brewer’s Sparrow
4/8/08  *Barn Swallow*
1/1/08  Olive Warbler
10/11/07 Sharp-shinned Hawk
10/2/07  Verdin
9/25/07  N. Goshawk
7/18/07  Lawrence’s Goldfinch
7/14/07  Evening Grosbeak
7/14/07  Crescent-chested Warbler
7/6/07  Flammulated Owl
7/6/07  Mexican Whip-poor-will
7/1/07  Brown Creeper
5/28/07 N. Parula
5/28/07 American Redstart
5/27/07 Lucy’s Warbler
5/12/07 Bell’s Vireo (juvenile)
5/1/07 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
5/1/07 Grace’s Warbler
4/26/07 Worm-eating Warbler
4/8/07 Lewis’ Woodpecker
3/31/07 Short-tailed Hawk*
9/29/05 Allen’s Hummingbird
8/16/05 Hermit Warbler
8/10/05 Spotted Sandpiper
5/28/05 Red Crossbill
4/3/05 Crissal Thrasher
3/14/05 Golden Eagle
4/16/03 Clark’s Nutcracker
4/11/03 Western Kingbird
3/24/03 Song Sparrow
3/21/03 Pinyon Jay
3/19/03 Common Black Hawk
11/30/02 Rufous-capped Warbler
4/29/00 Tennessee Warbler
7/19/99 Horned Lark
5/10/99 Vermilion Flycatcher
9/30/98 Cactus Wren
9/8/98 Eastern Meadowlark
9/29/97 Swainson’s Hawk
9/97 N. Waterthrush
7/20/97 Clay-colored Sparrow
4/11/97 Sage Thrasher
5/19/96 Gray Vireo
6/1/94 Berryline Hummingbird
11/25/08 Red-breasted Nuthatch

Warbling Vireo
American Kestrel

Reptiles and Amphibians
Black-tailed Rattlesnake
Sonoran Whipsnake
Gopher Snake
Mountain Patchnose Snake
Diamondback Rattlesnake
Green Rat Snake
Spade-foot Toad
Bunch Grass Lizard
Striped Plateau Lizard
Desert Grassland Lizard
Clark Spiny Lizard
Yarrow Spiny Lizard
Madrean Alligator Lizard
Ornate Tree Lizard

Chiricahua Fox Squirrel
Black-tailed Jack Rabbit
Cactus Mouse  
Kangaroo Rat
Pack Rat  aka Wood Rat
Cliff Chipmunk
Rock Squirrel  
Desert Cottontail
Gray Fox  
Ring-tailed Cat  
Mountain Lion  
Black Bear
Striped Skunk  
Hooded Skunk
Big Brown Bat  
Pallid Bat
Mexican Free-tailed Bat
Mexican Long-tongued Bat
Lesser Long-nosed Bat
Western Pipistrelle Bat
Townsend’s Big-eared Bat

140 of the approximately 180 species
 of butterflies found in the Chiricahuas
 can be seen within a one mile radius of Paradise.

Seed Fund Donations
Your donations to the seed fund help keep
the birds fed and happy.  Average annual purchases:

385 lb Sugar
1230 lb Seed
   (includes sunflower, mixed & songbird)
720 lb Thistle
132 lb Peanut Butter
60 blocks Suet
60 lb Cornmeal
85 lb Jelly
148 lb Oranges